Sunday, January 31, 2016

Keeping Covenant to Them That Love Him

Daniel cries out in Prayer to a Great God who keeps Covenant and Mercy with His People.  No doubt we have been a recipient of such Mercy as we walk in Covenant with the Lord.  The Covenant of the Old Testament is quite different from the Covenant of the New Testament that was written in the Blood of Jesus.  Most often saints don’t read Leviticus-Numbers; these are contained in the first five Books of the Bible that hold the instructions/restrictions of the Covenant that God gave to Abraham. If we sincerely looked into the Old Testament Instructions of Covenant it would truly make us more thankful for the New Covenant given to us on Calvary. Covenant is mentioned in the Bible 292 times; by this we know it is a very important issue with God.  “A Covenant is a written agreement, a binding Promise: a pledge, a contract.”   If we just had the time to stop and meditate upon these instructions we would be so grateful to Jesus for liberating us from them, by bringing in the New Covenant. Once Jesus died on the Cross, shed His precious Blood the New Covenant became our Promise!  Every Born Again Christian must know this, but it is good to take another look at it that our Covenant Keeping God.  How awesome it this?  Broken Covenants abound in our society!  Oh how we need the Covenant Keeping God! When He said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee – He keeps His Word. It is also very interesting to read Hebrews while you are investigating the Old Testament Instructions. Because it is here that we learn the power of the New Covenant that God keeps with us in mind.  Note Hebrews 8:1-2 “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens;  A Minister of the Sanctuary, and of the True Tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. Jesus is the source of all Blessings as He keeps His Covenant with mankind. To name a few Blessings: Mercy, Remission of sins {thank you Jesus} Good things to come, Eternal Redemption, Purged Conscience, Eternal Inheritance, Victory over the enemy, Access to God, etc.  He is a Covenant Keeping God! Loving you, Pastor

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