Monday, March 29, 2021

“When Jesus Weeps!”


“A very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.” ~ Matt. 21:8-11


With Gethsemane ahead – Jesus heads for Jerusalem to fulfill His Father’s will. As Jesus moves toward Gethsemane, I wonder what His thoughts were, not knowing, yet all knowing ... As news begins to be spread aboard that Jesus is coming, many gather to welcome Him to Jerusalem. Perhaps it is like that today, many welcome Him, but they do not discern The Father’s plan of Salvation. In this hour, the Hosts of heaven look on and desire to know this Salvation, 1 Pet. 1:12. We are privileged to have the Road Map for our Journey of Salvation, it is contained in God’s Holy Word. God reveals Jesus’ Journey to us that we might sense and feel the “Power of Trust” that Jesus had in His Father’s plan. Jesus would be mocked, spit upon, cruelly abused and finely hung in open shame, nailed to a Cross. The Account of Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem is known by multitudes even today, yet the Father’s plan is not discerned! Trust was in the heart of Jesus as He moved among the worshipers, He heard their Praises from the lips, but knew their heart was far from commitment. He weeps! ... Lk. Records Jesus Words ... “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the Prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her brood under her wings and ye would not!” Jesus moves onward to bring Salvation to all humanity, even those who would persecute Him. He could do this because He Trusted His Father. There is “Power in us when we Trust our God and His Son, Our Saviour!”  Victory is Coming!    Loving You, Pastor

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Power of Trust - A Chief Cornerstone, Elect, Precious Part 4

 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a Spiritual House, an Holy Priesthood, to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion A Chief Corner Stone, Elect, Precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded.”  ~ 1 Pet. 2:5-6


Resurrection Season – Our Time to Give Thanks for our Beloved Saviour, to remember His willingness to Suffering for us, a Time to embrace His Love for all mankind, and a time to Rejoice for we are victorious in Him as His Resurrection power surges through the believer!  The question before us today, as we gather to Worship Jesus is: “How Precious is our Saviour to us?”  The Apostle Peter comes to mind as the question arises before us. He was Ambitious, rough, tough, vigorous, robust, Impertinent, rude, bold, but Jesus saw Him as a Rock and named him Cephas. When he was filled with the Power of Pentecost – He was resolute, purposeful, determined, and unwavering. However many know the struggle Peter faced as fear gripped his soul when Jesus was taken prisoner by the religious leaders of the day. There are struggles we face today much like Peter’s; The enemy continues to raise his ugly head to detour the saints from serving God with a whole heart. Fear strikes the heart. Peter’s heart was divided as Jesus was dragged away to be judged by the dissidents of His Own people. It is hard to imagine that even after they saw the miracles they wanted to Crucify their Messiah. They knew Him by the Old Testament rituals, and the Law. They could not discern His Coming to them in the flesh. Fear held their soul until their demands caused their Messiah’s death. God was gracious to offer His Beloved Son to the Gentiles.  We are a Blessed people. We must embrace the “Power of Trust!”  Trust is the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, strength of someone!” That someone is Jesus! After Peter’s struggle, we hear him say... “I’m a Servant of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like Precious Faith ... The trial of your Faith, being much more Precious than of gold that perisheth...”  Loving Jesus & You, Pastor

The Benediction

Heavenly Father, we are so Blessed every day as we feel Your Presence! We are strengthened by Jesus’ Faith as He faced Gethsemane. We give You the Highest Praise and Thanksgiving as we remember Jesus’ Sacrifice at Calvary for us! Thank You for sending Jesus to the Gentiles!  Loving Christ, You are truly “Precious” to us! Enlarge our heart today with the Power of Your Love and grant that our Trust be strengthened for these days I Pray. We Give You glory for the Power of Your Faith to Endure the Cross and to reveal to us the “Joy” in our journey! O Lord gives us ears to hear the Power of Your Word, that we might embrace the miracle of Trust. Faithful Saviour, draw our families with cords of Love to Your Eternal Salvation I Pray. We humbly ask these things in the Name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost!  Amen

The Power of Trust - Blessings of Trust Part 3

 The Lenten Season ... Time to Pray ... to Discipline, to let our Charitable Spirit flourish!  We continue in our commemorating Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!  I know someone just said, “we should do that all year long!” Absolutely, but as we recall the Suffering our Salvation brought about, we meditate upon the “Price Jesus paid for our Eternal Life! We all get very busy, but as we Discipline ourselves, we begin to give more attention to Jesus, and Thankfulness to our heavenly Father who also sacrificed His Only Begotten Son. So today I want to look at the “Blessings” that God has given to us.  As we Trust Him, we will note Blessings surround us, but we must have a Spirit that is alert to the nudging of the His Spirit that lives in us. Jesus’ Suffering, His bitter anguish, the shame He felt, the rejection that hurt Him so deep – His unbelievable pain coursed thru His soul as He was beaten so unmercifully! O Jesus we love You for paying our debt and bring about our Redemption! So yes, we take time out to commemorate This Holy Season for it has wrought multitudes of Blessings into our life. May we have eyes to see the Blessings – The ultimate Blessing of Resurrection! Heb. 12:2 resonates once more in my soul – “Look to Jesus, He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith!” He could see the “Joy” that would come because of His Sacrifice, yet His flesh cried out for the Father to relieve Him of the moment. As the Angel drew near, Jesus was strengthened! And “Joy” overtook Him and we are Blessed as we Trust in Him! Jeremiah the Prophet wrote Blessed is the man what Trusteth in the Lord, and whose Hope the Lord is. [17:7] As I investigated the Blessings of God’s Word, I found many identified with trust as you will note in the Congregational Reading today. Trust in the Lord, lean not to our own understanding! Pastor




But for the “Joy” that was set before Him ... May His Joy flood your soul today as we meditate upon His Love for us. O Lord help us to see “Joy” even in the midst of pain and suffering.  May we embrace the Blessings that are set before us today and give time and meditation unto all that You are to us! May Your Blessings fill us with Hope, and Trust, and Peace of mind! Surround our families today with Your healing touch, - touch their soul that they might come to Your Healing Grace! May Your so many Blessings cause us to “greatly Rejoice!” and with our Song we will Praise You! We ask these things in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and all God’s people agreed to “Rejoice” in Your Trust and Blessings! Amen

The Power of Trust - Enduring Trust Part 2

“Blessed is the one that Endureth temptation: for when they are tried, They shall receive the Crown of Life, which the Lord hath Promised to them that Love Him. ~James 1:12     

The Lenten Season ... Time to Pray ... to Discipline our ourselves!  Once again we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ in His Season of Preparation for our Salvation, the Cross. Today we cover others who are an example of the believer and endured with much testing and pushed on to victory. We are followers of Jesus Christ and we are reminded in this Holy season that it is a “Crucified Life” we are following. Consider Jesus as He gave Holy Ghost Power to His disciples/followers, or should we say “believers?” Yet it seems we are brought to a halt when trouble arises. Perhaps this season will cause us to rethink our position in Christ. There are many Scriptures that speak to us of Trust and Endurance. The most famous of all is Heb. 12:2-4 “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; who for the Joy that was set before Him Endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God.” And this is the request given to the Body of Christ found in VS3 “For consider Jesus that Endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. In Hebrews we are also reminded of many others who endured – Moses, Abraham, Joseph, Gedeon, Barak, Samson, Jepthae, David, Samuel, the Prophets – all enduring, dying “in Faith not having received the Promises, but having seen them afar off ...God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Let us endure with Joy ☺!    Loving You, Pastor 

The Benediction

Our Father who reigns in Heaven and who has created us, we honor You and the Sacrifice of Your Son, our Saviour! In this Holy Season we Discipline ourselves as we remember Jesus’ temptation and His suffering for us.  We give our Highest Praise unto You! O Lord, continue to Bless this people with the Power of Your Presence, Your strength, and Trust that you have given to us. O glorious Savior, may we remember Your Trust in Your God, our God, and be filled with the Power of Your Precious Holy Spirit so much that Trust in God’s plan for our life will prevail. O Father we know it is time to Pray, to seek Your face, and to stand strong in our Faith. Work in our families and draw them unto You. We ask these things in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost!  Amen

The Power of Trust Part 1

Welcome All, to the Holy Season of Lent.  We have gathered together to Commemorate the season of our Lord’s Temptation, His suffering, and His victory over death, hell and the grave! We Rejoice in our Salvation. Please join us in this Lenten Journey and experience the “Lenten Discipline” with us.


“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, ~  Hebrews 12:1

The Lenten Season ... Once again we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ in His Season of Preparation for the Cross. We soon learn it was and is for our Redemption, and for our Eternal Life! A Lenten Discipline is in order as we follow Jesus through His Preparation of death for us! Jesus was taken into the wilderness to overcome Temptation. There he met the enemy of His soul and walked through the enemies Temptations. It is never to despair in those “down” times, for we see Jesus come forth in the Power of the Holy Spirit. [Lk 4] O Church there is Power when we Trust our Saviour. His desire was to please His Father, and while He was tempted, His Trust in the Father’s Will strengthened Him for the task that lie ahead. Often we wonder why it seems we are tempted with trials, sorrows, and hardships. Could it be God is exercising us for Victory as we Trust in Him? It is always good to read this Chapter in Luke as we enter our “Lenten Discipline.” Lk. 4 –  "When the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Him ... And Jesus returned in the Power of the Spirit” – Jesus had this witness that He Trusted in God, for when they mocked Him; they said: “He Trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now...” Ps 112 exhorts us; “the Righteous ... shall not be afraid of evil: their heart is fixed, Trusting in the Lord!” Here is a good moto for the days ahead: “Our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have Trusted in His Holy Name!”  Let us strengthen our Spirit as we enter this Holy Season!  Loving you, Pastor


The Benediction

O God, as we come once again into this season of Your Son’s sacrifice may we sense a fresh depth of Love and a Victorious Power of His Presence as we enter into our Lenten Devotion. Surround Your people with Love as we give Praise and Worship unto You. You alone are the source of our Power as we Trust in You. As these days of this pandemic linger on, may You strengthen Your People with the this Power of Trust! Touch us with the same JOY that Jesus experienced as He journeyed toward the Cross. We need His Joy set before us that we might remain Powerful in Trusting You!  Once again we ask You Father to have Mercy upon our families and draw them unto You. We ask these things in Your Name, the Name of Your Son, and the Power of the Holy Ghost, Amen