Sunday, February 7, 2016

Let Us Kneel Before Our Maker

As we enter into this year of politics, I have noticed the subject of humility in somewhat missing. The hour is upon us to come into a greater dimension of Prayer & Worship. There is a call from the heart of God – “O Come Let us Worship and Bow Down!”   This has been the message of our Church for many years.  There is “spiritual strength” in kneeling before the Lord, – answers to our Prayers – and healing as we take this position in Prayer. I think of Solomon the great wise King who humbled himself in midst of his people and kneeled to Pray. Think of this, Solomon built a huge platform of brass and he placed it before the people, then he kneeled down before all the congregation of Israel and spread his hands toward heaven and Prayed.  What an example before the people. God was gracious unto Solomon in many ways and granted him great wisdom. I think of Zacharias the priest coming before the Altar and there appeared the Angel of the Lord and gave him the Message of the birth of his son John the Baptist.  What a manifestation at the Altar of the Lord.  God had heard his prayer for a son!  Another example is Hannah, as she wept and cried before the Lord, he gave her a miracle of a son. There are many explanations of Worship, but let us consider kneeling in the altar of the Lord as a Worship that touches His heart and miracles are born when we humble ourselves and Pray.  Daniel knelt at an open window and Prayed; it gave him the strength to stay all night in a den of lions. Jesus knelt in Prayer as He faced a great human decision and it gave Him the strength to make the journey to Calvary and to die for our sins.  I like to think that as we draw near unto the Lord upon our knees, His ear is drawn to our cry in a most unique way.  I believe God is calling us as He did in the days of Joel to weep in the Altar and cry out to God to “Spare our Nation.”  – Ephesians Ch. 3 is a wonderful Passage of Scripture - Please read it in your devotions this week.  Paul declares, “For this cause I bow my knees:” – we have bold access to Jesus at the Altar of the Lord; Let us take time to bow before the Lord and Worship Him. Loving you, Pastor 

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