Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Word to Live By, Part 2 “Thou Shalt Keep Them!” January 29, 2012

Welcome to a Joyous season of Worship and the Word in the Lord’s house.  We rejoice that you are with us today, may you be encouraged as His presence surrounds you. You are always loved in the midst of the Commerce family.

“The Words of the Lord are Pure Words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”  − Psalm 12:6-7
We have a sure Word from the Lord Jesus commanding us to “Keep His Word!”  As I thought on the word “Keep,” which is used in regards to God’s Word, I thought such a simple word.  But exploring it further, the meaning of such a small and often used word is very powerful when you think of it spiritually.  Jesus said these Words as He was teaching on the parables.  “… Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it!” As we meditate upon keeping the Word of God, we think on the meaning of “Keep!” ─ to be faithful ─ to act accordingly ─ to conform ─ to stay in accord with ─ to preserve, take care of ─ to establish relationship with ─ to stay and remain in ─ continue without interruption ─ to persist in a practice ─ to watch-keep an eye on, etc.  The meanings go on and on. Such meanings are easily seen as spiritual references to what is meant by Psalm 12- The Words of the Lord, Pure Words;“Thou shalt Keep them, O Lord, thou shalt Preserve them from this generation forever.”  As we explore the Scriptures that mention “keeping God’s Word” we will find strong evidence that when we “keep His Word” there benefits and when we do not “keep His Word” there are also repercussions. Again, His Word is Life!  We discussed this last week as we saw in Scripture His Words will bring Life!  We are living, but the His Life in us brings new meaning to the life we Live.  We are challenged by His Word to keep it, preserve, share it with our generation and the generations to come.  His Word is sweet to our taste, sweeter than honey…!  We can not get enough of His Word, His Life in us!  “The Entrance of His Word giveth life!”  In this New Year that is almost one month passed … let us be challenged to take in more of God’s Holy Word, to memorize it, to write it on small pieces of paper and place it in strategic places, that His Word will continually be before us!  “Deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live, and Keep Thy Word!”  Loving you, Pastor

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