Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What Adorns Our Heart

What does it mean to “Adorn our heart?” To adorn oneself is “to make more beautiful or attractive.” Perhaps the question is “Why Adorn our heart?”  Of course the answer is God sees out heart. It is more important what God sees then what man sees. But in today’s world it seems mankind is more concerned with what humanity thinks of them then what God Thinks of them.  Last week in Worship we examined the “Principal Thing” that God requires. Prov. 4:7-9 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt Wisdom, and she shall promote thee: Wisdom shall bring thee to honour …” If the Principal Thing is Wisdom and then Understanding, that truly would be a “thing” of the heart and the mind … perhaps it could be called the “inward appearance of the Christian!” Today’s Message continues as we keep in mind the “Principal Thing --- Wisdom and Understanding.” As we continue in Prov.4. Our life is to be a “Shining Light that shines more and more!” We are admonished to “attend to God’s Word and incline our ear to Hear Him.” Vs23 continues: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of Life.” As God looks at our heart, it should be beautiful in Spiritual things as well as in the natural things of life. A Christian’s heart should be attractive to God, that is “pleasing to Him, beneficial in quality, able to lead someone to acceptance of Him.”  If our life is a “shinning path” and we are working each day at being a brighter image, let us hear the Words of Wisdom from God’s Word. 1 Peter 3:3-5 admonishes us concerning this very Principal; “let it not be the outward adorning, but let it be the “Hidden man of the heart, even the “Ornament of a Meek and Quiet Spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” The Ornament of the outward individual --- something that looks attractive but usually having no practical purpose, however the Ornament of the inward man is a quality of Grace, beauty and honour to the One who sees the heart.  As we understand Ornament it is a decoration that adorns our personage or our home, office, etc. But the question posed is: What Adorns our Heart? What is the Principal Thing that rules our heart? O Church may our Light so Shine that others may see Jesus in us as an Individual in whose heart Christ Lives supremely!   Loving you, Pastor

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