Sunday, March 4, 2018

My Heart Melteth Like Wax

In Today’s Message we see the “Inner Man” of Christ, His thoughts, His pain, His desires, and His cry for help.  It is awesome that David saw in the spirit the “Suffering of Christ!” He writes of his own suffering and yet it is not to be compared with the Suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. The things that David saw in the Spirit came to pass as Jesus was Crucified! Most everyone knows about the Cross of Christ, even infidels will wear a cross. Yet what do we know about the Suffering Saviour beyond the pain of the thorns, the beatings and the nails? No wonder David was a man after God’s own heart, he had worshiped God to a great depth, therefore David became privy to the Sufferings of Christ.  I am sure if Christianity would walk their life in the path of Christ, always remembering His Suffering for us; we would never do some of the things that breaks His Heart. If we would remember His Suffering, His Sacrifice, we would rethink some of our decisions. Today we look not just at the Suffering of His Flesh, but the Suffering of His Soul, His Spirit, and His Heart. Psalm 22 is where we find 27 comments of David under the Anointing of the Spirit of God, sharing the Sufferings of the Saviour. Not only was there horrible pain in Jesus flesh, but perhaps even a greater depth of great pain in His Heart, His Soul and His Spirit. As Jesus faced the Suffering of the Cross, He took His closest disciples with Him, Peter, James, and John, and said to them: “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with Me. He went a little further, and fell on His face, and Prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” [Matt. 26:38-39] O Jesus thank You for being obedient in the midst of your great Suffering, and bringing forth our Salvation! Let the Church Worship our God, His Son our Saviour and the Power of the Holy Ghost!  Amen.   Loving Jesus and everyone of you, Pastor

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