Sunday, October 25, 2015

Part 2 - Three End Time Things - Things Which Are

Perhaps we should review a moment, it has been a couple of weeks since the First Message, “The Things Which Thou Hast Seen.” There are the three things that open the Book of Revelation. We have opened the Revelation of Jesus and there is a quickening in our spirit as we see evidence of the End-Time of things. There was a call for Pray that we might discern what the Spirit of the Lord is saying unto the Church in this day; and remember the “gates of hell shall not prevail! The First of the Three things were spoken to John, a disciple of Christ who was exiled to the Isle of Patmos while the rest of the Disciples suffered martyrdom, John the Beloved was caught up into the Throne room of God with the End-Time Revelation of Jesus the Slain Lamb of God – and commissioned; “Write the things which thou hast seen!” John saw the miracles of Jesus, he saw the dead raised, he learned the Word of God as he sat at Jesus feet. John saw Jesus persecuted, beaten, and he saw the Lamb of God crucified! In this Revelation John saw Christ walk in the midst of the Church.  “That which John had seen, was Salvation revealed, sins forgiven, and Eternal Life promised. The question arises; “Does Humanity grasp the Life Blood of Jesus that was poured out for them, a covering for their sin, and an Eternal Destination?  In Part 2 of this Message we explore the second thing –  “The Things Which Are!: This deals with the Church, the saints. As Jesus is unveiled in the midst of the Churches of Revelation we learn what He is looking for in His Church! We hear the Promises that Jesus gives to the Faithful, we sense His sorrow over the shallowness of their love, and the fact of some being a stumbling block to the Children of Israel. His heart hurts over the false teachers and the false doctrines that He hates. There is great warning to those who seduce God’s people with false teachings. He cautions the Faithful: Be watchful, strengthen whatever remains, and keep your works perfect before God. Watch that no defilement overtakes you. He challenges us, if we will keep the Word of His Patience, and not deny His name, He will keep us from the hour of temptation. His great desire is that we be hot or cold, never lukewarm! Truly in these three chapters of Rev. The heart of Christ is revealed! Savor His promises, burn for Him.   Loving you, Pastor

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