Wednesday, November 23, 2011

God’s Thoughts! November 13, 2011

“How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee.” Psalms 139:17-18
“Thoughts” are unique!  They are private and personal, you can think them over and over, and yet no one knows what you are thinking unless you tell them. Interesting the “Thought Life” that God has included in His plan for humanity. Yet, there is someone who knows your thoughts! Of course you know that God is privy to what you think.  Perhaps though, we forget this in our haste, or anger, etc.  There is an Inspired Proverb which reminds us, For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:’ Proverbs 23:7 This Scripture would then remind us; if our thoughts are evil, they are heard by the Lord. If our thoughts are loving and charitable, they are also heard by the Lord!  It may be that we don’t have a huge amount of time to just sit and meditate upon the Goodness of the Lord, but we can have a “Thought Life” that embraces Him daily.  His benefits are new every morning, therefore we know we are on His mind and His heart is open to us.  He is present with us throughout our day, to know our heart and our mind, and this includes our “Thoughts!” God keeps records; He has “Books!”  Revelation 20 reminds us that He sits upon the Great White Throne of judgment and Scripture reveals that “the books” were opened: along with the Book of Life. When the thoughts of God sitting in judgment, opening His Books comes into our thinking, it is a solemn moment. To the saint, the one who loves the Lord with all their heart, we hear these words from the Psalmist: How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!”  We have a sure Word from God that He thinks about us on a daily basis … What are our “thoughts” toward Him?  While the world dams His name, what will be the “thoughts” of His Redeemed people?  O let the Believers of Jesus Christ turn their thoughts toward heaven and let His presence be manifested in us until our “Thought Life” magnifies our Lord & Saviour daily! Thinking of you in His Love, Pastor

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