Thoughts from the Sermon: 1 John 2:5-6 Exhorts us concerning the Love of God! “Whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is the Love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him. He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He Walked.” Usually our thoughts are ‘no one is perfect!’ But as saints of God’s Love, committed to His kind of Love, this will bring perfection to our Life. Perhaps not the zenith of perfection, but a perfection in our Love for God as we walk out our life before Him! These questions come to mind as we explore Perfection as a Born-Again Believer. What are we Passionate about? What witness do we bear of His Love in us? How committed are we to following Christ? These are questions that need to stir our heart on occasion that we might grow in the things of the Lord! Christianity has wondered far away from total dedication.. Saints we need to strengthen our Love for God! It is good to stop on occasion and have a checkup as to how committed we are to God’s Love! To Journey with Jesus is a lifelong adventure. Trusting in Him, giving the battles of the ‘care of Life’ into His hands. Knowing that no matter the circumstances He will never leave us nor forsake us! Trusting in Him when the challenges of our day press us, but knowing He is beside us and we can trust Him! Let the church hunger for more of Him, more of His Powerful Word, and a Hope beyond the scrimmages of the enemy. May the thrill of serving Jesus – Loving Him override the works of darkness and despair, for in Him, His Love, we have the Hope of Eternal Life! Let us put on Charity, and walk in the Bond of Perfectness. “Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us, Unto Him be Glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Loving you, Pastor
Loving You, Pastor Rice
Thank you for stopping by my blogspot. God Bless You Today! Commerce Community Church
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Give Unto the Lord
“Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people, Give unto the Lord
glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto His Name: bring an
offering, and come before Him: Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness.”
~ I Chronicles 16:28029
Scripture teaches us, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven!” Today our thoughts turn to “How we Give Thanks for our Lord!” It is good for us to dwell on the things that He has given us and to remember them with Thanksgiving in our heart. Even in an adverse situation there is cause to give devotion unto the Lord! As our hearts turn to embrace a “Thankful Spirit” and to meditate upon the Goodness of God, He will visit us! It is good to know that He dwells in the midst of our Praises. It is with heartfelt devotion we give unto Him as we Worship our God and Redeemer. May our Praise and Worship encompass a Thankful heart! So often we are discouraged with our lot in life and never seem to accomplish the things that we desire, but we can accomplish His desire and that is to lift up holy hands and Bless His Precious Name! It is awesome when we join together and there are a multitude of voices worshiping in a great anthem Praise. The Fellowship of the saints in “one accord” is so special! God’s heart is stirred toward humanity when we join our Spirit with His heart and in the multitude of the family of God give Him Praise. When we give adoration to our Lord it is a true sign that we are not thinking of ourselves but honoring Him. We are destined to join the Eternal ranks of heaven and one day stand before the Throne of God and together lift up our voices with the Hosts of Heaven, and cry: “Blessing, and Glory, and Wisdom, and Honor, and Power, and Might, be unto our God for ever and ever!” Praise and Worship emerges from a heart of thanksgiving and it is the greatest Gift we can offer unto our God. In these days of chaos and ‘testings’ let us open our heart even more to offer Praise and Adoration unto our God! He is worthy to be Praised! Let us offer unending Praise and Thankfulness — “Praise Him for His Mighty Acts: Praise Him according to His Excellent Greatness.” ❤Pastor
The Benediction:
Gracious and Holy Father, we give You the Highest Praise! For You are our
Glorious God! You care for us, You provide for us, You never leave us nor
forsake us! You give us Eternal Life and our desire is to honour Your Glory and
Power. We are grateful for Your Love and the overcoming Mercy and Grace You
bring to our life. We know You go before us and You follow after us, for we are
the apple of Your eye! Our heart is full of adoration today as we have joined
in Worship together to Bless Your Holy and Powerful Name. Thank Your for the
transforming Love You give to us. We ask that You watch over our loved ones and
draw them to Your Saving Grace. We ask these things in Your Holy Name we Pray,
in Jesus Name and the power of Your Holy Spirit, Amen.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Willing to Stand!
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41
There are powerful
issues today that a True Christian must face if we are to “Stand” for our Lord
and Saviour! You may already be standing
strong and think, I know that! I am Blessed to Pastor a strong congregation of
Bible Believers and I thank God for everyone of them! But there is always room
for more power to “Stand” for our Saviour, especially as the works of darkness
are seeking to prevail against the Church of the Living Saviour and mess with
the creative forces of our God! I really believe that the sincere Christian
must prepare and always know that more of God is needed in our lives as we face
the challenges of our day. Today’s Message is an age-old account found in
Scripture. If you were a Sunday School kid you know this by heart! But God spoke to me in the night concerning
our Spiritual Stand for Him and nudged me to this Account in His Word. We know
David slung the stone and Killed Goliath. Goliath was the enemies’
Champion. We know He took 5 stones from
the brook and continued strong against the demonic force that tormented His
Chosen People. There is so much more to that account then just slinging the
stone as we will see in the Message today. David willingly took a “Stand” for
God and Scripture reveals he hastened and ran toward the enemy declaring: “1
Samuel 17:46 “This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will
smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the
host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts
of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” David was willing to Stand for Israel and his
God! O how we need such courage in this hour! So many things tried to dissuade
David from his stand! His brother called
him prideful and naughtiness of heart. Saul tried to laden him down with heavy
armor, telling him he was not able to go against this powerful enemy, but in
each case, David turned a deaf ear to the satanic forces formed against him and
pushed forward! There was a Willingness in him as he took his “Stand” for God’s
people. We reflect on another man who surrendered His Will with Joy and gave
God’s People Redemption! All Praise and Glory to the Son of God! It is our hour
to surrender willingly and stand for righteousness and holiness and
faithfulness, we cannot be detoured by the obstacles! Warriors are needed for the Kingdom of
God! Loving You, Pastor
The Benediction:Heavenly Father we hallow Your Precious Name! We come before You in the transforming Power of Your Love. Increase our meditation of the Solid Rock You have given us in Jesus our Saviour! Strengthen us, O Lord, that we might stand against the powers of darkness and proclaim Your Love. We are grateful for the powerful stone we have in the Rock of our Salvation. Help us to seize the opportunities You send our way, teaching us to grow in Your Grace and to have the Willingness to stand for Righteousness! Nudge us with a desire for more of Your Word and a greater Prayer life as we face the difficulties of our day! O Lord, You are our gentle Shepherd, draw our loved ones into Your Redeeming Love I Pray. We ask all these things in Your Holy Name, In the Name of the Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost! Amen!