Saturday, June 27, 2015

Expect to Receive

“Stand in the gate of the Lord’s house, and proclaim there this Word, and say, Hear the Word of the Lord, all ye .., that enter in at these gates to Worship the Lord.” Jer.7:2 — It is my Prayer that you have read the Parables of Matt. 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8; and last week we added Psalm 18; Today I request that among these Scriptures please focus on and Read Psalm 119.  It is God’s desire that the Seed, the Word take root in our heart for it is the greatest weapon we have against the enemy of our soul! We must Hear, Give Attention to the Word and Trust the Word of God. Today we examine our “Expectation to Receive” the Word of God. What is our Expectation when we Read the Bible? Expectation must be in our heart as we read the Word of God or when we Hear His Word. The Psalmist writes [62:4-7] “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my Expectation is from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation: He is my defence; I shall not be moved.  In God is my Salvation and my glory: the Rock of my Strength, and my Refuge, is in God.”  We often experience a lot of Expectation in our life, but perhaps not much of it, is an “Expectation” to receive Help from God. Often we begin with an Expectation in the Lord, but as time passes and this Expectation is not realized, our hope drains to a minimum and we perhaps become complacent in our Salvation, in our waiting. When the Lame Man in Acts 3 reached out to Peter and John “Expecting” to receive something from them; he never expected what he was going to get! The point is, he never gave up, he sat in the gate daily expecting a few coins, but when he leased expected, the Word of the Lord came with power and might and his wait paid off.  How much more should we as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ live in Expectation when we hear the Word of the Lord?  There must be an “Earnest Expectation” in us as we wait for the “Manifestation of the Sons of God.” Wherein the Spirit ministers to our infirmities and makes intercession for us according to the will of God. God says: “The thoughts that I think toward you, are thoughts of Peace to give you an Expected end!”  O Hear the Word of the Lord! Loving you, Pastor

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