Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Behold the Lamb!

“John stood, with two of his disciples; ... Looking upon Jesus as He walked, John saith, Behold the Lamb of God! The true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. ~John 1:9, 35-36

We are a Triumphant Church because Jesus is our Way, our Truth, and our Life! In this Message today we look once again at the proclamation of John, Jesus’ Cousin when he declared, “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world!” As we give some thought to this declaration, and perhaps some meditation, we are overwhelmed at this Great Gift that God has given to us.  Let us think about the Lamb of God, the Sacrifice of our heavenly Father. We know this, it is not a new thought. If we are a ‘Born Again’ believer of Jesus Christ, we are commissioned to follow His Way. This is a powerful thought and provokes our spirit to stop and give attention to such a Sacrifice for our sins. Today as we see the signs of corruption and the darkness of our world, we remember Jesus is the “Light of the world!” Where there is darkness, He is Light, where there is no knowledge of what way to turn, He is the Way and when there seems to be no truth in our society, He is the Truth! Each time we go our own way and disappoint the Saviour, we must remember He paid the debt for our sin with His Life and with His Blood. There are many things in our life that we consider a sacrifice, but not so great as the Sacrifice of Father God and His Holy Son. The Sacrifice of the Lamb of God must be in the forefront of our life as we face the future and the final Revelation of all things.  If you desire to know more about the Lamb, He is mentioned many times in the Book of Revelation. In all reality we are destined to be the Bride of Christ, the Lambs Wife! “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.” Rev. 19:7. This is our quest: ‘to make ourselves ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.’  Loving you as we prepare for Him, Pastor

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